Seeders is a physics puzzle game, fairly simply in its style and gameplay, but not the worst thing you could buy for 9 cents. You must make your way through many simply environmental puzzles, pushing blocks onto switches, hopping over spikes, and generally trying to get from point A to B. Nothing is really “new” in Seeders, but if you’re looking for a simple little obstacle puzzle game, you might enjoy it. It’s sort of a side scrolling, more action-based game that seems inspired by titles like Sokoban, Chip’s Challenge, and the like.
The graphical style is very, very simple. While there is a bit of “very retro PC” charm to it, it’s worth noting that your character rolls around on his skateboard without any real animation.
There is a two player mode, which I didn’t try. I must also confess that I didn’t really stick with this game for that long — I only through about 1/8th of story mode, if I’m reading the level descriptions correctly. The game just wasn’t that fun, but I could see it being more interesting to those with a penchant for old PC puzzle games.
Seeders: Puzzle Reboot: 9 cents on the Nintendo eShop.